Follow-up to “On the Meme of a Kind Odin”

Hello everyone! This is Casimir with The Skald’s Circle again. Today we have a special article going out. It’s a follow-up to our “On the Meme of a Kind Odin”.

First off, I would personally like to thank our fans for reaching out to me to discuss the article. The fact that you all are passionate enough about the source material to discuss it with me was for lack of a better word, refreshing. A bit of context regarding our initial article, I had originally written the article last summer after the Writing Prompt post went around facebook, and I had seen multiple people discussing it as fact. I studied Norse myth, the Eddas, and Sagas thoroughly in college for my Thesis, so the thought of getting information and taking it as fact from a text post on Facebook, frankly, horrified me. My admitted vitriol towards Odin comes from a few… unfortunate encounters with Odinists of the white supremacist variety who ultimately drove me away from Asatru, and ultimately toward Slavic myth and paganism, (that being my own heritage) so it wasn’t a total loss! However, I ramble sometimes, as anyone else who has read my articles would know. My point is this: now that I know that the post’s texts weren’t meant as historic revision, I will definitely be less vitriolic towards it when it pops up. That being said, I know we can’t please everyone, but I felt a clearing of the air was necessary.

If you would like to talk more about this, I am always happy to discuss any article we have written, and am willing to admit when I have been incorrect about a source. However, before Mynogan drags me away from the keyboard for rambling more…This has been Casimir of The Skald’s Circle following up an excellent discussion that I had with one of our fans. If you would like to propose an article topic use the contact form on our website, or reach out to us on Facebook. Remember, always cite your sources, and have an excellent evening!