Hospitality. It’s a very important thing in a variety of human civilizations. Whether for simply being a good person, or perhaps because of the risks involved in not being hospitable.…

Find all of the articles written by The Skald’s Circle here! Learn about ancient cultures and myths and where you can find the sources for these stories.
Hospitality. It’s a very important thing in a variety of human civilizations. Whether for simply being a good person, or perhaps because of the risks involved in not being hospitable.…
The focal point of any story we would call the hero, yes? Ignoring the concept of the hero’s journey, that’s a topic in and of itself, what is a hero? …
Greetings, fellow story lovers. This is Casimir triumphantly returning to writing articles again after an unfortunate hiatus. I have a topic of interest brought on by stories that we will be recording soon, as well as a personal interest of my own.…
Greetings fellow story lovers, this is Casimir back once again with a new article on folklore and history from around the world.…
Greetings fellow story lovers. This is Casimir back, once again, with a new article on folklore and history from around the world.…