Audio CDs
Stories of the North: Viking Storytime | Stories of Éire: A Collection of Irish Folktales (Volume I & II) |
Stories of the North: Viking Storytime – $14
Stories Included:
- The Norse Creation Myth
- The Fortification of Asgard & The Birth of Sleipnir
- The Mead of Poetry
- The Marriage of Thor
- Thor & Loki’s Journey to Utgard
- The Death of Baldr
- The Flyting of Loki
- Ragnarok
Stories of Éire: A Collection of Irish Folktales (Volume I & II)(2 Disk Set) – $25

Stories Included:
Volume I:
- The Demon Cat
- The Long Spoon
- The Giant’s Stairs
- Dr. All-Wise
- King O’Toole and His Goose
- The Bee, the Harp, the Mouse and the Bum-Clock
Volume II:
- The Selfish Giant
- The Kildare Pooka
- The Pieper and the Pooka
- The Brewery of Eggshells
- The Fairy Thorn
- The Priest’s Supper
- Flory Cantillion’s Funeral